24th March 2020
Charity raffle raises £6,740 for the British Heart Foundation
Chestnut Homes has donated £6,740 to the British Heart Foundation following the success of its recent charity raffle.
The raffle, which took place during a fundraising event at Lincoln Drill Hall, saw Chestnut Homes staff and suppliers raise £3,370 for the charity – a figure which Managing Director David Newton doubled to a whopping £6,740.
Mr Newton said: “The British Heart Foundation is a wonderful organisation and we are proud to show our support for the charity by providing this donation following the success of our recent fundraising event. I would like to thank all those who donated prizes for the raffle and everyone who bought a ticket on the night for their contribution to the fundraising effort.
”Gary Burr, Fundraising Manager for Lincolnshire and Rutland at the British Heart Foundation, said: “We are delighted that Chestnut Homes chose to raise funds for the BHF and want to say a big thank you to their staff, suppliers and managing director for the incredible amount of money they raised. This kind donation will help the BHF fund life-saving research into all heart and circulatory diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and vascular dementia, and the risk factors that cause them, including diabetes and high blood pressure. Without the support of companies like Chestnut Homes, the BHF wouldn’t be able to fund this vital research in our aim to beat heartbreak forever.”
In Lincolnshire alone, there are around 150,000 people living with the daily burden of these conditions. Heart and circulatory diseases also claim the lives of around 3,100 people in the county each year.
To find out more about fundraising with the British Heart Foundation, call Gary Burr on 07764 290380 or email burrg@bhf.org.uk
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