2nd April 2015
Plans for 275 homes in Dunholme given go-ahead
A development of 275 new homes is set to be created in Dunholme after councillors gave the go-ahead to Chestnut Homes’ plans.
The new homes will be built on land between Lincoln Road and Honeyholes Lane and the development will be named Dunholme Meadows.
An outline planning application, which establishes the principle of the development, was approved by West Lindsey District councillors at a meeting on Wednesday (April 1st).
Council documents on the plans stated that the development of the site “would not significantly detract from the character of the area as a whole” and “could even improve its appearance when viewed from public highways and vantage points”.
David Newton, Managing Director of Chestnut Homes, said: “We’re pleased that our development plans for Dunholme have been approved and we look forward to submitting a detailed planning application for the scheme in the near future.
“Subject to the approval of the detailed application and satisfying the conditions attached to the planning permissions, we hope to start work on site either later in the year, or in 2016.
“We believe that our scheme will provide a thoughtfully-designed development of much-needed new homes in a suitable location in Dunholme and will help to meet housing need locally.
“As a responsible developer, we were pleased to agree to support local infrastructure by making various contributions through a Section 106 agreement for the site.”
The main access to Dunholme Meadows will be via Lincoln Road, while a narrower secondary access point will also be created by a narrow link road through to Honeyholes Lane.
All other details of the scheme – including the layout, appearance and landscaping – will be addressed in Chestnut Homes’ reserved matters application.
Council documents on the proposals highlighted that the application site was “within a sustainable location for new residential development” and that Chestnut Homes had proposed “appropriate measures” to mitigate the impact of the new homes on local health services and schools.
Up to 69 homes – a quarter of the development – will be made available as affordable housing. Some homes will be for shared ownership, while others will be for affordable rent.
As part of the planning agreement for the development, Chestnut Homes has agreed to contribute £657,393 towards education provision and £116,875 for healthcare.
The company will also contribute a further £483,050 for road improvements, which will include work to upgrade the A46/Lincoln Road, Welton junction (Centurion Garage).
This contribution will also fund the reduction of the speed limit on Lincoln Road and the creation of a new bus stop to serve the development. It will also fund the improvement of bus services to help with the sustainability of the development.
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